Our ads can be easily integrated in different formats and sizes: banners, display, etc.
Easy to integrate
Our widgets are simple to add and the automatic updates we perform don't require any action on your part.
100 % customisable
There are many options available with our widgets. They allow you to customise appearance, content, and tracking
Optimised for conversion
In order to work effectively with our many different partners, we continuously update our widgets to optimise their conversion rates.
Itinerary widget
Display one or more itinerary cards with image and text. Customise the number of cards, text, tracking etc...
Destination drop-down widget
Display a search input with destination dropdown that leads to our main destination pages.
We can provide an API with multiple product feed options.
We can provide a list of trip itineraries adapted to your company's brand guidelines/graphic charter to enrich the content of your newsletters.
We're also open to the possibility of doing content swaps and giveaways via newsletters. (See Brand Partnerships)
Increase your revenue by joining our affiliation platform. Our top affiliates earn up to £1,500 a month.
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